一、one way of和one way for的区别?
区别:one way of-----(做某事的)其中一种办法,表示从属关系one way for----对于某人或者某事的一种办法,表示目的、指向关系
二、in a way与in one way 区别?
主要的区别在于短语的含义不同,in a way的意思是从某种意义上来说,例如In a way,he is a good man。
在某种意义上来说,他是个好人in one way的意思是挡住某人的路,When I went to school yesterday,there was a dog in my way。当我昨天去上学的时候,有一只狗挡在我的路上。
三、in one way意思?
一、in some ways 在某些方面
In some ways we wish we could turn theclock back. 在某些方面,我们希望能回到以前。
In some ways you are right. 就某些方面来说你是对的。
二、in some way,in a way 和 in one way 都表示“某种程度上”或“有几分”,属于同一意思的不同说法。
I've got a feeling that the death may betied up with his visit in some way. 我有种感觉,死亡似乎和他的来访有某种关联。
She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled. 她非常引人注目,但我觉得她有些讨厌。
It made things very unpleasant in a way. 这把事情弄得有点不大愉快。
She was afraid in a way that was quite new toher. 她感到从未有过的害怕。
In one way, he bade fair toruin us. 从某一点上来讲, 他倒真的要弄得我们破产。
In one way it was her memorywhich had added to her troubles. 从某种意义上说,使她的处境更为不妙的正是她那记忆力.
四、on one`s way to和make one's way的区别?
on one's way to和make one's way的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。
1、on one's way to:在去的路上。
2、make one's way:走自己的路。
1、on one's way to:基本意思是“路,道,街,径”,一般用来指具体的“路,道路”,也可指通向某地的“方向”“路线”或做某事所采用的手段,即“方式,方法”。
2、make one's way:意思是指经专门修整供车辆行驶或行人行走的“路”,既可指在城镇之间的,也可以指在乡间的,是可数名词。
1、on one's way to:侧重于陈述在去哪里的状态。
2、make one's way:侧重于经过相当的努力从一个地方到另外一个地方
on one's way to用法:
一路向前,前进。 这个词组可以指空间上的实际行进,比如 He made his way out of the woods.有经过相当的努力从一个地方到另外一个地方的意思,通常过程不是一帆风顺的。 另外这个词组还可以指抽象一些的概念,即付出努力以达到一个目标,比如 He made his way to finding a good job。
五、find the way和find one's way?
find the way释义:
I'm glad you've slept, Becky; you'll feel rested, now, and we'll find the way out.
find one's way释义:
找到解决办法;渗入到;推开人群挤过去(等于push one's way)
To find one's way out of a labyrinth.
六、one the way的用法?
On the way home.home在回家这个词组中是副词,副词前面是不能有介词. 如go home里的home是副词,修饰动词go,表明go的方向,就像come here ,不及物动词加上介词后可以加名词
七、On one's way to造句?
1.You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.
2.On my way to New York, I stopped over in Tokyo for two days.
3.I passed through Nanjing on my way to shanghai, but I didn't stop over.
4.On my way to jim's home I saw a little boy pushing a bicycle up a steep hill.
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九、buy one is way out of造句?
1、Francine worked her way out of Julian's grasp.
2、Mock objects provide a way out of this dilemma.
3、So in these8)unprecedented times, we must educate our way out of the downturn, we must invest and invent our way out of the downturn, we must retool and reskill our way out of the downturn.
4、In other words, economists misread the economy on the way up, misread it on the way down and now mistake the right way out.
5、Detective Sun's eyes bored into him. "You probably have some savings, bring them out and buy your way out!"
6、The way out of our dilemma is to tunnel fearlessly through until we reach daylight.
7、Designer's block happens to all of us, and there's no easy way out of it.
8、Combining annotations with class file modification can provide a way out of this dilemma.
9、Am I waiting you to be the only way out for me?
10、To me, the easy way out of such dilemmas is to foreclose the tension.
11、They bought their way out of Belgium, and they still don't believe they can't buy their way into the United States.
12、Even if Lamentations about the British economy are overdone, there is no miraculous way out of the mess.
13、It was my tenor-sax teacher, Bill Sheiner, who gave me a way out of this limbo.
14、Though ejection seats have saved hundreds of pilots, they're not exactly the easy way out of a crashing plane.
15、Fights its way out since the moment it is born can be called "strong 'and" tenacious "; only the grass that."
16、That is when a sudden encounter with guards who will penalize you and show you a way out can seem a nice present to you.
17、Male rats which are injected with additional male hormone find their way out of a maze quicker than normal male rats.
18、Descartes' own way out of his evil demon skepticism was to first argue that one cannot genuinely doubt the existence of oneself.
19、One reviewer of my book referred to this type of answer as "punting" -by which he inferred that it was an easy way out of theological dilemma.
20、On the way out, he grabs an old fashioned football helmet from a shelf and smashes it down on his head.
21、"The idea that we could fertilize and irrigate our way out of this problem was the first Green Revolution" led by Nobel Peace Prize-winner Norman Borlaug and others, Lynch says.
22、The next two ICONS were attempts at a more literal globe, but users interpreted them as an astronaut in a space suit, an olive, and "a golfer trying to hack his way out of the rough."
23、"We found something that was making its exit, was on the way out," said National Geographic fellow Gregory Anderson, one of the leaders of the expedition that discovered Koro.
24、Hot tip: the simplest way out of this situation is to cut properly file and manicure your nails so that they do not lead to painful scratches on your partner.
25、Four years ago they began performing in the car park of one of Kinshasa's posher rooftop restaurants, hoping that rich patrons would chuck spare cash into a pot on their way out.
26、I had to turn away and as I did so a great big giant tear rolled its way out of my eye, down the side of my nose and landed - plop - right there on the toecap of one of my black suede shoes.
十、work one's way into造句?
work one's way into造句为
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